Diane Keaton, who has been dealing with an eating disorder for many years, is bravely accepting the natural signs of aging. Sadly, some mean fans are calling her “ugly” and “fat.”

Diane Keaton is a famous actress who has been loved by fans for nearly 60 years. She’s known for being really good at acting in movies.

But in her personal life, away from the camera, she used to be really good at keeping secrets. These were not just regular secrets; she now calls them “creepy.” Diane Keaton, born in Los Angeles and now 77 years old, is considered one of Hollywood’s most successful actresses. Her career started on stage in 1968, and she was noticed by Woody Allen, who cast her as his love interest in a Broadway production in 1969.




Diane Keaton played a character named Linda Christie, and she did so well that she got nominated for a special award called a Tony when they turned the story into a movie in 1972. She was 23 years old at the time.

In real life, Diane had a short relationship with Woody Allen, similar to her character in the story. Even though they were only together for a few years, they kept working on movies together for a couple of decades.

Before all this, Diane did some small roles in movies, TV shows, and commercials. But her big break came when she got a significant part in a famous movie called The Godfather. Her role as Michael Corleone’s girlfriend and later wife made her super famous. The movie was a big hit and won many awards.

She played the same character again in The Godfather Part II in 1974, where her character was the wife of the boss of a criminal empire, played by Al Pacino, who she had an on-and-off relationship with in real life.




Diane Keaton had a big crush on Al Pacino before they started dating. She thought he was charming, funny, and just couldn’t stop talking. She saw him as a kind of crazy genius, like a lost orphan. And she thought he was really, really good-looking!

Later, she worked with Woody Allen again in the movie Annie Hall in 1977. That role earned her a special award called an Academy Award and a Golden Globe.

Diane was in many popular movies like Looking for Mr. Goodbar, Manhattan, and Reds in 1981 with Warren Beatty, who was not only her co-star but also the director. She fell for him hard. She thought Warren was incredibly good-looking and talented, both as an actor and as someone who makes movies.

As Diane got older, she took on different kinds of roles. She played Steve Martin’s mother in Father of the Bride in 1991, reunited with Woody Allen in Manhattan Murder Mystery, and in 2000, she was in The Godfather Part III as the ex-wife of the mafia boss.



In 2003, Diane Keaton was in a movie called Something’s Gotta Give, and she did such a great job that the Academy noticed and gave her an award nomination. This movie was a big success at the box office, and it was her first one since 1996’s First Wives Club.

People who work with her always say good things about her acting. Jack Nicholson, who acted with her in Something’s Gotta Give, said she’s fascinating and unpredictable. He also mentioned that she’s very disciplined and memorizes the entire script before they start filming.

In the movie, her character falls in love with a much older guy, played by Jack Nicholson. But in real life, Diane really liked her younger co-star, Keanu Reeves. Even though there were rumors that they might have been more than friends, neither of them confirmed anything. Diane talked about kissing Keanu in the movie, saying it was a bit embarrassing for both of them because of the age difference. But she thought he was so good-looking that it was like a guilty pleasure for her.



Diane Keaton believes in being herself and embracing the natural process of getting older. She’s proud of her gray hair and the way she looks in her late 70s.

She says she’s free to do whatever she wants with her body and doesn’t mind if she looks a bit like how she used to. Even though people might have opinions about things like face-lifts or Botox, she thinks those things are okay if they make someone feel better. But for herself, she’s okay with showing the marks of her life.

Even though she’s a well-respected actor, author, director, and singer, she still faces criticism from people. After an event in 2014, someone online made a mean comment about her weight. And recently, for no clear reason, another person called her ugly inside and out.



Diane Keaton, who is known for her slim and beautiful appearance, is going through a tough time in her relationship with food. She’s dealing with a condition called bulimia, where she struggles with eating and then feeling the need to get rid of the food.

She talked about it on the Dr. Oz Show and said it was a really terrible time in her life. She felt like she was lying to herself for four years, pretending everything was okay. Diane explained that she has an addictive nature, and she sees herself as an addict in recovery. This struggle with food started early in her career when she was asked to lose weight for a role in a play called Hair. She faced pressure to fit certain standards, and to cope, she ended up eating a lot and then making herself throw up. It’s a tough battle for her, but she’s working on overcoming it.



Diane Keaton used to eat a lot during dinner, consuming around 20,000 calories. Her meals included fried chicken, fries with blue cheese and ketchup, TV dinners, soda, candy, a whole cake, and three banana cream pies.

She realized that she had a problem and sought help. She met with a therapist five times a week for a whole year to overcome her binge eating disorder.

Now, she focuses on her work and raising her adopted children. At an awards ceremony, her friend Woody Allen made a joke about her past eating disorder, which she kept hidden while they were dating. Even though people laughed, Diane took her bulimia very seriously. It was a challenging time for her, and she worked hard to overcome it.



Diane Keaton wants to make it clear that she didn’t lose weight just because the producers of the play Hair asked her to. After that time, she worked hard to keep the weight off but also became really good at hiding the fact that she was struggling. She lived a strange lifestyle to make sure no one knew what was going on. It felt like she was living a lie.

Dealing with bulimia took a lot of her time and made her feel like an outsider, even though people were nice to her. Despite these challenges, Diane found joy in being a mom. She adopted a daughter, Dexter Keaton White, who is 27, and a son, Duke Keaton, who is 23, when she was in her 50s. She didn’t feel a strong urge to become a mother, but it was something she had been thinking about for a long time, so she decided to take the plunge.

Diane Keaton has a very busy life with her acting career, so she built herself a special home to have a peaceful place to relax. It’s a farmhouse-style brick mansion that she designed and constructed. She got inspired by her love for Pinterest and the story of the “Three Little Pigs.”

The house is not just beautiful; it’s also very safe. It’s described as a “fireproof, earth-resistant, water-resistant, walled-in compound” made of 75,000 carefully chosen clay bricks. Diane has had this dream of living in a brick house since she was five years old, after hearing the story of the Three Little Pigs. Her home is so unique that it’s even featured in a magazine for its exceptional design, and not many people can say their entire home was inspired by pictures on Pinterest. Diane Keaton made her dream home a reality!


Actor, singer, author, director, mother and designer are all things that the lovely Diane Keaton has included in her ever-growing portfolio of talents.

She really is an amazing human and we really appreciate her openness in discussing her eating disorder. The mirror can be our worst critic and we wish Keaton the very best in her continued journey!

What are you favorite Diane Keaton films?