A baby with Down syndrome was made fun of by mean people online because she was eating birthday cake. Let’s show her our love and support.

Sometimes the world can be really mean. Even though we’ve come a long way in fighting against prejudice over the years, it’s still out there.

Social media might be part of the problem. People can bully and bother others online without showing who they are. And often, they don’t get in trouble for it.

A dad is speaking out against mean people who made fun of a video of his daughter eating her birthday cake. The girl, Megan Gavin, has Down syndrome. In the video, she’s messy from eating her cake. But some people left nasty comments calling her hurtful names like “downie” and “retard.”

Well wasn’t expecting that Leanne Gavin I’ve had over 30 messges so far for a meggy moo teddy bear. Total of 47 teddys….

Posted by Scott Gavin on Sunday, October 13, 2019

Scott, a proud dad from Merseyside, England, was very upset when he saw what people said about his daughter Megan. He had shared a video of her celebrating her first birthday.

He told Metro, “At first, I was shocked and angry. I wanted to find these people.” But then, he thought about it and decided not to let mean people ruin Megan’s special day.

He said, “I’m not going to let some idiot make me angry. Instead, I’m going to educate them. I’ll show them love by sharing pictures of Megan.”

Posted by Scott Gavin on Monday, October 14, 2019

One of the comments on the video said, “Kids in Africa are starving and you’re wasting cake on a child too retarded to know what it is.”

Scott, who has five other children, said he’s heard similar hurtful things from other parents of kids with disabilities. “We hear it all the time from other moms, and it’s really sad,” he said. “I don’t get why people treat them differently. It doesn’t make sense to me.”

Many people feel the same way as Scott. It makes me really mad to think that some people make fun of others just because they’re different, and they can do it without getting caught because they’re online.

The truth is, they wouldn’t say these mean things if they thought they’d get in trouble for it. That makes them cowardly and frankly, not very smart.

Posted by Scott Gavin on Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Scott, we stand beside you, and hope that Megan had a wonderful first birthday.

Please share this article to wish Megan a happy birthday, and to condemn all those who thought it acceptable to mock her.