Bristol Palin Shocked by 15-Year-Old Son’s Surprising Move to Alaska
Bristol Palin shared how her son Tripp, 15, told her he was moving to Alaska to live with his dad, Levi Johnston. She was very upset when she got the text from him.
In a recent podcast with Cheryl Burke, Bristol said the news was still very painful for her. She has always been very close with Tripp and was used to just the two of them being together, along with her daughters.
Bristol Palin talked about how different their home feels now that Tripp is gone. She understands that Tripp needs to build a relationship with his dad, Levi Johnston, and she hopes it’s the right choice for him.
When Tripp first told her he wasn’t coming back, she was shocked and angry. She even thought about going to Alaska to stop him. But over time, she accepted his decision. Despite the distance, they stay in close contact.
Bristol said she respects Tripp’s choice and knows he needs this time with his dad, even though she wishes he could stay with her forever. Her children mean everything to her, but she understands she can’t be selfish.
Bristol Palin’s fans found out that her son, Tripp, had moved to Alaska when she shared a photo of her daughters starting school on Instagram. Bristol posted about how difficult it was for her because Tripp wasn’t there.
She wrote that it was the hardest first day of school yet, missing one of the biggest parts of her heart. Bristol explained that Tripp chose to finish high school in Alaska to be closer to his dad and family.
Bristol Palin said her son Tripp moved to Alaska to be closer to his dad and her mom, Sarah Palin. Tripp’s love for hunting and fishing also played a big part in his decision.
Bristol admitted it’s been very hard for her to accept. She said that even though she wishes Tripp could stay with her, his relationship with his dad is more important. Bristol, who still gets emotional talking about it, hopes the year apart will be easy for everyone.
After her marriage to Dakota Meyer ended in 2018, Bristol stayed in Texas for her daughters, even though she had moved from Alaska.