Country Star Rory Feek’s Daughters in Legal Showdown: Can They See Their Sister Again
|Rory Feek married his young daughter’s teacher, Rebecca, in July 2024. However, this happy event has taken a turn for the worse with new information.
Rory Feek’s two adult daughters, Heidi, 37, and Hopie, 35, have shared that they are thinking about taking legal action against their father.

Rory Feek seemed to have found happiness when he remarried eight years after losing his wife, Joey Feek. However, just weeks after the wedding, his daughters, Heidi and Hopie, have made serious accusations against him.
The sisters have announced that they are thinking about taking legal action against their father. They claim he has cut off contact with their 10-year-old sister, Indiana Feek.

They also accused their father of putting Indiana in a difficult situation. Hopie and Heidi expressed concern about this sudden change, as they have been involved in Indiana’s life since she was born. They regularly spent time with her over the years.
Rory sees this as a family disagreement that has been exaggerated. He responded to his daughters’ claims in a blog post titled “love, dad.”

In the blog, he said, “Let me begin by saying that this is not how it should be done. Instagram and Facebook are not the places where we should, as people and families, be settling our disputes or differences.”
Rory emphasized that Indiana is getting more love and care now than ever before. He pointed out that at 10 years old, Indiana has a mother figure in her life, something she missed since Joey died when she was two.
Rory explained that Indiana knows about her biological mother through pictures, videos, and songs, but having someone she can call Mama and interact with daily is a different experience.

He said, “It is a beautiful, beautiful thing to see happen for her and for all of us.” He also mentioned that while Indiana can talk to her sisters anytime, she can no longer stay overnight with them.
Rory made this decision after he felt they did not respect his wishes during earlier visits. He believes their disagreement is due to differing values, as he is a conservative Christian and his adult daughters are not.
He stated that he and Heidi have different views on what is appropriate for Indiana, especially regarding the type of entertainment she can watch.
Rory feels a strong duty to uphold the values and principles he believes Joey would have wanted for their daughter.

Heidi also expressed worry that Indiana was left in the care of Homestead Heritage’s Montana branch while Rory and Rebecca were on their honeymoon.
Homestead is a Christian community focused on agrarian and craft lifestyles. A report from the Texas Observer in 2012 highlighted years of alleged abuse in the community, including cases of child sexual assault.

In response, Rory clarified in his blog that Indiana stayed with two families who have children she is close to, and she enjoyed her time there.
He admitted he is not a perfect father but assured that he is careful in his decisions. Rory also denied claims that Homestead is a cult and said that while no group is without issues, his experiences with them have been positive.

Rory concluded his blog by reflecting on the challenges he and Joey faced in trying to support their older daughters without overstepping their boundaries. He admitted that they may not have achieved the right balance.
He recognized that some family members and friends might think he was too generous to his older daughters, while Heidi and Hopie might feel he did not do enough.

Rory acknowledged he wasn’t a perfect father when his older daughters were young. Now, he tries hard every day to do what is best for Indiana.
He stressed that even if Heidi and Hopie don’t see it now, he believes he is being a good father to them by setting boundaries. He told his daughters, “No, it’s not okay to hurt others just because you’re angry.”
In response to Rory Feek’s blog, Heidi posted several messages on Instagram, including voice notes that countered some of his claims.

Heidi expressed heartbreak over Rory’s statement that Indiana had never been more cared for than she is now. To her, this statement seemed to dismiss the love Joey, Indiana’s late mother, had given her.
Heidi mentioned that several people had reached out with concerns about how Rebecca treats Indiana, including some who grew up in Homestead.

Heidi said that Rory called the many convicted pedophiles in Homestead “a few bad apples,” adding, “BUT THE SAYING GOES ‘A FEW BAD APPLES SPOIL THE BARREL.'”
The sisters decided to go public after Rory refused to discuss their worries privately, saying they felt he continually withheld love from them.
They shared that they tried to contact their father for months, but he never replied. They chose to post their letter online, hoping it would reach him.
Heidi and Hopie revealed that when they last tried to talk without a mediator, Rory told them he was done being their father.

They also shared a recording where Rory dismissed therapy as a solution to their issues, stating he preferred to talk things out directly with them.
Regarding their childhood, Heidi and Hopie disagreed with Rory’s claims about raising them with love. They recalled times when he would spit on them as a joke when he drank too much and, in anger, would throw them against the wall.
Despite their painful past, they now insist that they have forgiven him.
However, they stress that love is action, implying that Rory’s actions towards them do not show the affection he claims to have.

Heidi and Hopie have healed from their childhood trauma, telling their father that they have become stronger because of their experiences.
Now, they want to protect Indiana from what they went through while living with Rory. According to their GoFundMe page, the sisters are raising money for legal fees to ensure Indiana’s future.
They stress that Indiana, who has special needs, deserves to be in a safe and stable environment where her well-being is prioritized.
Indiana lives with Rory and Rebecca, who has been teaching her. Rory and Rebecca’s marriage was unexpected and marked a new chapter in their lives.
Rory recently shared that he has married Rebecca, a teacher who has been a part of Indiana’s life for years. This special union was even supported by Indiana herself.
In his blog, Rory described the journey leading him and Rebecca to their wedding. He mentioned that the idea of marrying her started as a simple song inspired by God while he played his guitar.
Despite their growing relationship, Rory and Rebecca were careful about discussing marriage, especially considering Indiana’s strong bond with her late mother.
The turning point came one morning when Indiana asked Rebecca if she should marry her dad, saying, “My Mama’s been gone a long time. And if she marries you, maybe she could be my new mother.”
Moved by this, Rory realized it was a sign. After praying and talking, they decided to take the brave step of getting married.
The wedding took place on a sunny Sunday in July in Greycliff, Montana, under a lovely timber-frame pavilion.
The ceremony surprised many of their family and friends, who were excited to celebrate despite the short notice. Rory gifted Rebecca a beautiful song he had written.
Reflecting on the day, Rory expressed his gratitude for finding love again and the chance to make Rebecca happy. He felt blessed to have a new partner and to create new memories with Indiana.
Rory said, “I found myself thinking about how blessed I was to be given the opportunity to love again. To not only feel loved but to get the chance to give love again.”
Eight years after losing his wife Joey to cancer, Rory found the courage to marry again. Joey passed away in March 2016, leaving a deep impact on Rory’s life. He shared her last moments and how much she meant to their family.
Rory wrote, “My wife’s greatest dream came true today. She is in Heaven. The cancer is gone, the pain has ceased, and all her tears are dry.”
He described how Joey took her last breath surrounded by family. In her final moments, Rory held her hand and kissed her goodbye.
Joey’s funeral was a very emotional occasion held in a grove of trees behind their home. Friends and family gathered to say goodbye to the woman Rory called “the greatest person I have ever known.”
During the service, The Isaacs sang “It Is Well With My Soul,” and Pastor Jerry Young shared heartfelt memories of Joey.
When it was Rory’s turn to speak, he looked at a picture of Joey and found words were not enough to express his love for her.
In 2021, five years after Joey’s passing, Rory reflected on the passage of time and how her memory stays with him. He mentioned how sometimes it felt like Joey’s death was just yesterday, while at other times it felt like another lifetime.
At that time, Rory still lived in the farmhouse he shared with Joey. He described it as a place where time stood still, keeping the memories of their life together.
Rory also talked about Indiana, who was just two when Joey died. He noted how much she had grown, which reminded him of how fast time passes.
Despite this reflection, Rory has found happiness and hope again. His marriage to Rebecca, who has played a significant role in his and Indiana’s lives, starts a new chapter filled with love.
As Rory continues to navigate life with Indiana and Rebecca, his journey shows the healing power of love and the spirit of moving forward.