Father tells wife he let 3-yr-old daughter choose her picture day outfit, then she sees the final result

Every year, kids look forward to class photo day because they can choose what they want to wear. But, for some kids, it’s not so fun. They worry about what others will think of their regular clothes, and some find it awkward to smile for pictures.

The night before her class photo, three-year-old Kaylieann Steinbach was excited. She went to bed thinking about what would happen the next day. But when she saw the clothes her parents had chosen for her, her happiness turned into sadness.

This little girl decided to choose her own clothes.”


Kaylieann really likes Superman and Supergirl, but she has trouble hearing the letter “S.” So, instead of saying Superman and Supergirl, she calls them “Pooterman” and “Pootergirl.”

When it was time to pick her outfit for class pictures, there was no doubt about what she wanted to wear. She said, “Pootergirl!” as her parents showed her different clothes.

Her dad, Austin Steinbach, said, “Well, I couldn’t argue with that answer.”

Kaylieann got what she wanted, and she proudly wore her superhero outfit. She was really happy as she posed for the photographers in her Supergirl suit, holding a doll.



Austin mentioned that Kaylieann often wears different costumes to school, and both the teachers and students look forward to seeing which superhero outfit she’ll wear each day.

When Austin posted Kaylieann’s class photo on Reddit, he was surprised by the response. Many people sent him positive messages.

He said, “The reaction and support from the deaf community are amazing. I still haven’t read all the messages of kindness and support people have sent me. I never thought her picture could touch so many hearts,” Austin Steinbach shared with the Huffington Post.

Kaylieann is a brave girl, a real superhero!

Please share the article if you think it was wonderful that Kaylieann got to fulfill her big dream!