Jimmy Carter’s Heartbreaking Revelation to His Son Before Rosalynn’s Passing

Jimmy Carter always believed he would live longer than his wife, Rosalynn. He was determined to take care of her until the very end. His son, Chip Carter, shared this information and also revealed that Jimmy was worried about his own health getting worse.

Unfortunately, Rosalynn, the former First Lady, passed away on November 19. She had joined her husband in hospice care just two days earlier. She was 96 years old and had served in the White House from 1977 to 1981. Even after that, she continued to do good work through the Carter Center.

Rosalynn was diagnosed with dementia six months before she passed away. Two days after entering hospice care, her health got worse because of an infection that antibiotics couldn’t help.

Reports say that Jimmy, in his wheelchair, stayed by her bed but eventually asked others to leave so he could be alone with her. On Saturday evening, Jimmy got his own hospice bed next to Rosalynn’s so they could talk. They had been married for 77 years.

Sadly, by Sunday morning, Rosalynn couldn’t speak anymore. Later that day, her long and inspiring life came to an end. Jimmy, who described Rosalynn as “my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” is surely feeling the pain of losing her the most.



Jimmy Carter, the former president, might find some comfort in knowing he could be there for his lifelong love, just like he wanted.

His son, Chip Carter, shared that Jimmy had told him many times in the last nine months that he always thought he would outlive Rosalynn and take care of her until the end. However, as time passed, Jimmy wasn’t sure if he could do that anymore, and it bothered him.

But he stayed alive, and everyone told him how proud they were of how he looked after Rosalynn. Jimmy, who is now 99, has dealt with health problems recently. In February, he moved into hospice care after a few short stays in the hospital.



Our thoughts and prayers are with the Carter family at this time. Rest in peace, Rosalynn Carter.