Lady Gaga and Liza Minnelli share sweet moment during Oscars ceremony: ‘I got you’

Following the 2022 Oscars, much of the chatter has centered around the incident involving Will Smith and Chris Rock. However, there’s another pair deserving of recognition: Lady Gaga and Liza Minnelli.

Gaga, who shared the stage with Minnelli to present the final award of the evening, has garnered acclaim for her gracious response and interaction with the esteemed actor.

As the ceremony drew to a close, Gaga and Minnelli took the stage together to present the last award. Amidst applause from the audience, Gaga stepped aside, allowing the 76-year-old icon to bask in the spotlight.

“Do you see that? The public adores you,” Gaga remarked, leaning in to grasp Minnelli’s hand.

Acknowledging Minnelli’s legacy, Gaga mentioned that the occasion marked the 50th anniversary of Cabaret, for which Minnelli won Best Actress in a Leading Role in 1972.

Equipped with cue cards, Minnelli began introducing the nominees for Best Picture but stumbled momentarily over her words. Without hesitation, Gaga stepped in to assist.

Before showcasing the nominated films, Gaga leaned over to Minnelli, whispering, “I’ve got you.”

Their exchange was captured by their microphones, with Minnelli responding, “I know, thank you.”

As they announced the night’s ultimate winner, CODA, Minnelli expressed her joy at being there, particularly alongside Gaga, whom she described as her biggest fan.

The emotional moment between the two stars sparked a reaction online, with many drawing parallels between Gaga’s treatment of Minnelli and her relationship with Tony Bennett.