Lesbian Couple Mocked as ‘Mother and Son’ Fight to Raise Money for Their Baby!

A same-sex couple who are often mistaken for mother and son have shared their financial struggles after announcing they are expecting triplets through IVF.

Lauren Evens, 31, and her wife, Hannah, 29, were cruelly trolled when they shared their wedding online last year. People made fun of Hannah’s youthful looks and even called Lauren a “paedophile.”

Lauren Kaye

Now, the couple—who are expecting triplets after spending £9,000 on IVF in Cyprus—are raising money for their babies’ needs after Hannah lost her job.

The newlyweds from Surrey always dreamed of having children but were shocked to learn that fertility treatment in the UK would cost them £21,000.

Lauren Kaye

To save money, they chose to do the treatment abroad but had to get married first so that Hannah, a specialist engineer, wouldn’t have to adopt her own baby.

They quickly planned a wedding in just six weeks and got married in August 2024. The next month, they flew to Cyprus for IVF, which cost them £9,000.

Lauren Kaye

Lauren had Hannah’s fertilized eggs implanted in her womb and found out she was pregnant three days later. The couple was surprised to learn they were expecting three baby girls.

But while they were celebrating the pregnancy, Hannah suddenly lost her job, leaving them in a tough financial situation. Now, they are trying to raise £3,000 to buy baby essentials like clothes and bottles before the triplets arrive.

Lauren Kaye

Lauren, who works in medical tourism, said: “People call me a ‘nonce’ and a ‘paedophile.’ They think Hannah is a 10-year-old boy.

“It happens everywhere, even when we go shopping. People talk over Hannah like she’s a child. Just because she looks young doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve love.”

Lauren and Hannah have been together for two and a half years and always wanted children.

They looked into reciprocal IVF in the UK, where one woman’s eggs are fertilized and implanted in the other, but the cost was shocking.

Lauren Kaye

Lauren said: “We got a quote in the UK, and it was £21,000. That’s ridiculous.”

Luckily, Lauren works for a health company in Turkey called Prime Health Concept. Through her job, she found a more affordable IVF package.

The package, made for same-sex couples, cost £9,000, including all treatments and flights.

Lauren already has two children, aged 10 and 9, from a past relationship. She decided to carry the babies so that Hannah could have biological children.

“That way, we could both be involved, and she didn’t want to carry,” she explained.

Before going to Cyprus, they needed to get married quickly.

Lauren Kaye

Lauren said: “Hannah would have had to adopt her own baby if we weren’t married. So, we planned a wedding in six weeks.”

The couple traveled to Northern Cyprus in September 2024 and had their embryo transfer on September 18.

They chose a donor from an international sperm bank who looked similar to Lauren.

“There was a 75% chance one embryo would stick,” Lauren said. “I got a positive test three days later.”

At their six-week scan, they found out they were expecting triplets.

Lauren Kaye

“They saw two at first and needed to do an internal scan. Then they saw three babies. Hannah’s face dropped,” Lauren said. “We’re very excited.”

But after Hannah was made redundant in January 2025, they had to start raising money for baby supplies.

They are hoping to collect £3,000 for baby items and to cover travel and accommodation when the triplets arrive in June.

Lauren will have a planned C-section since doctors have labeled her pregnancy high-risk.

Lauren Kaye

She is expected to give birth at 34 weeks, but the couple worries the babies may arrive even earlier. They are trying to save as much as possible.

Lauren said: “We had to move in with Hannah’s parents. We need to save for a deposit or private rent. We’ll need at least four or five bedrooms.”

Lauren Kaye

On top of money problems, they also deal with constant confusion about Hannah’s appearance.

“We went to Boots last week, and the cashier asked if I had a Boots card. She said it would be worth getting one,” Lauren recalled.

Lauren Kaye

“I said Hannah has one, and the cashier said, ‘But your little boy won’t always be with you.’

“I said, ‘That’s my wife.’”

Lauren Kaye