Mama June delivers heartbreaking news about her daughter’s cancer prognosis: ‘It’s terminal.’

A tragic event has struck the family as Mama June reveals that her eldest daughter has been diagnosed with cancer. The family is now sharing their struggles and uncertainties about the future.

Mama June Shannon and her four children are cherished by people worldwide. However, they recently made a heart-wrenching announcement that Mama June’s eldest child, Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell, is battling stage 4 adrenal carcinoma.

Mama June provided an update on her daughter’s health, saying, “She’s actually doing pretty good. She’s handling it pretty well.”

Lauryn “Pumpkin” Efird, another of Mama June’s daughters, was also present and confirmed that her older sister is coping well. Lauryn mentioned that Anna can still carry out everyday tasks like going to the grocery store and driving herself, even though she has lost her hair, eyebrows, and hair on her arms due to treatment.

The family shared that Anna has undergone four rounds of chemotherapy, and while it has taken a toll on her at times, she has been able to bounce back quickly.

Anna, who has two children, 10-year-old Kaitlyn and 7-year-old Kylee, is managing her role as a mother despite her health challenges. The family discussed how the diagnosis has affected the kids, especially Kaitlyn, who is aware of her mother’s illness and has become more mature in dealing with it.

Kylee, being younger, doesn’t fully understand the situation and simply knows that her mother is sick.

Now that chemotherapy has concluded, Anna is considering immune therapy or clinical trials for her next course of action, but she remains uncertain about her decision.

Mama June described the situation as “scary” because they don’t know what to expect next, especially as the aggressive cancer rapidly developed on the left side of Anna’s body.

Anna’s prognosis is grim, as she is in stage 4 and not expected to go into remission. Despite this, the family takes things one day at a time.

Lauryn remains hopeful for her big sister’s future, believing that medical advancements could lead to a cure in the coming years. She pointed out the rapid development of vaccines like the vaccine and expressed her belief that there will eventually be a cure for some types of cancer.

Alana, also known as Honey Boo Boo, shares the same hope and is optimistic that her big sister can fight the disease for many years to come, despite the challenges they face.