Mom posted a video of her 2-year-old daughter’s final moments as she was very sick and singing her favorite song

Being a parent means you always want to protect your child and keep them safe. It’s really hard when your child gets sick, and you can’t do much to help. Magalli Jimenez had a beautiful daughter named Ava Skye. Ava had a great first year, but things got tough when she turned 13 months old.



When Magalli Jimenez noticed her daughter was not feeling well, she took her to the doctor. The doctor said something really tough: Ava Skye had a kind of cancer that was making her body not grow right and feel uncomfortable.

Magalli knew she had to be strong for her little girl and agreed to the doctor’s plan for treatment. She was hopeful that the chemotherapy would help Skye get better.

After going through many rounds of treatment and check-ups, Skye was declared in remission, which means the cancer was gone. The whole family was very happy. But sadly, they didn’t know that Skye would get sick again so quickly.



In July 2022, Skye’s cancer came back, as the family shared. The doctors said the cancer wasn’t responding to treatment, and the only choice left was to try surgery. But because Skye was so young, there wasn’t much hope that she could recover from the operation.

The family was really sad. Magalli knew she only had a short time left with her baby. She saw her daughter go from a healthy toddler to a weak child who could barely walk or talk.

Magalli had to make a tough decision. She decided to put Skye in hospice care, where they could make sure Skye’s last days were as comfortable as possible. Even though Magalli sometimes went to cry alone, she always made sure to smile and laugh with her daughter.



“We decided to let Skye just enjoy her life and do all the things we’ve ever wanted to do with her. We even made a list of special things for her to experience,” said Jimenez.

Jimenez’s friend, Davina Galvan, who also has a child with cancer, started a GoFundMe page to raise $5,000 for the family. She wanted to make sure Magalli had enough money to fulfill everything on Skye’s list.

Sadly, Skye passed away on August 22, 2022, with her mother by her side. Magalli held her close, feeling sad but also relieved that Skye wasn’t in pain anymore.

The day before Skye died, even though she could hardly stand, she sang her favorite song to her mother, looking into her eyes. The song went, “I love you. You love me. We are a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss kiss. Won’t you say you love me too?” Her mother recorded this touching moment and shared it on social media so that everyone could see what a wonderful little soul Skye was, bringing comfort to her mom in her final hours.



“My heart will always feel sad, and things will never be the same. But I promised my daughter that I would keep on living for her. Remember to hug your kids a bit tighter today, even when they make you crazy,” said Jimenez.

She talked about how much she misses her daughter and how she would give anything to be able to hug her again.

We’re thinking of Skye’s family as they go through this incredibly hard time.

Share this story to let everyone know what a sweet and wonderful soul Skye was during her time here.