My Husband Demanded I Hand Over My Salary to His Mom

Just days after our wedding, my husband made a shocking request—I should give my entire salary to his mother. My response left him speechless.


Marriage is supposed to be about love, trust, and teamwork. But just a few days after our wedding, I was questioning everything. My new husband asked me to hand over my whole salary to his mother so she could “teach me” how to manage it.

One evening, as we were getting comfortable in our new life, he casually made the demand. “From now on, we’ll give your salary to my mom. She’ll help you manage it better,” he said, as though it was the most normal thing in the world. My heart dropped. Was he serious? I had worked hard for my money, and now I was supposed to just give it up?

At first, I thought he was joking. But the serious look on his face told me he wasn’t. I felt anger rising within me. “Excuse me? I don’t need lessons on money from your mother,” I responded. “I’ve been handling my own finances just fine!”

He looked surprised by my reaction. To him, it made perfect sense. But to me, it was a huge red flag.

I firmly told him that my salary was mine to manage, and no one—especially not his mother—could control it. Marriage is about partnership, not giving up control of your finances. He didn’t back down, insisting it was for “our future.”

That’s when I made my decision. If he thought I should give up my financial independence, then he wasn’t the man I had married.

I stood my ground, and the argument grew more intense. Eventually, he realized I wasn’t going to give in. But the damage was done. His demand showed me a side of him I couldn’t ignore.

This moment changed everything in our relationship. I knew I deserved respect, equality, and control over my money. No marriage should require a woman to give up her financial independence. If that’s what he expected, then maybe I married the wrong person.