My Wife Made a Shocking Claim About Our Son—What I Discovered Next Was Unbelievable

Greg thought he and Natalie had everything sorted with their co-parenting. But one late-night phone call changed everything and brought shocking news he never expected.

They were together for five years before Natalie and Greg decided to break up. Deep down, they both knew it was coming, even if they never talked about it. They met when they were young—perhaps too young.

Source: Midjourney

Greg thought he and Natalie had a good co-parenting plan, but a late-night phone call changed everything with shocking news he never expected.

They had been together for five years before deciding to break up. They both knew it was coming, even if they didn’t say it out loud. They met when they were young—maybe too young.

Source: Midjourney

As time passed, the excitement faded, and they just stopped trying. It wasn’t dramatic or full of big fights. It was just a slow realization that they might not be meant to last forever.

Now, they live in different states and lead different lives. The only thing connecting them is Oliver, their three-year-old son. Oliver is Greg’s whole world. He only gets to see him during the holidays, which feels like a small consolation. It’s never enough for him.

Source: Midjourney

But Greg didn’t want things to turn nasty. They didn’t need lawyers or a bitter custody battle. Both he and Natalie agreed on that. They didn’t want Oliver to grow up in a home where his parents were always arguing.

Source: Midjourney

That’s why they kept things friendly. Every evening, Natalie would video call Greg so he could say goodnight to Oliver. This became a cherished ritual. Just seeing Oliver’s little face light up and hearing him say “Night, Daddy” made everything feel a little less broken.

Source: Midjourney

Everything was going well until Greg got that call.

“Greg!” Natalie’s voice came through the phone, but this time she was crying—no, screaming. “Greg, our son’s gone!”

Greg froze. “What do you mean gone?”

Source: Midjourney

“Oliver is dead!” she yelled, and the words hit him like a punch.

He couldn’t understand. “What? What are you talking about? How?”

Natalie’s sobs made it hard to understand her words. “He’s—he’s just gone. Oh my God, Greg…”

Greg sank to the floor, feeling crushed by her words. This couldn’t be true. Not Oliver. Not his boy.

Source: Midjourney

“I’ll be there. I’m coming right now,” he said, scrambling to his feet, his voice shaking.

“No,” she choked out. “Don’t. We’ve already had the ceremony. He’s… been buried.”

“Buried?” Greg whispered, struggling to breathe.

He hung up, devastated. He stared at the phone, wanting to call Natalie back to demand answers. His heart raced with questions. He pressed the call button before he could talk himself out of it.

The phone rang once. Twice. Finally—

Source: Midjourney

“Greg,” Natalie answered, her voice hoarse and barely a whisper.

“What the hell, Natalie?” he said, his voice breaking. “Why didn’t you tell me anything? If something happened to Oliver—if he was sick or hurt—you should’ve called me!”

“I—I couldn’t,” she stammered, her breath shaky.

Source: Midjourney

“You couldn’t?” he shouted, pacing around the room. “I’m his father, Natalie! I should’ve been there. I should’ve known! What even happened? Yesterday, he was fine!”

“It all happened so fast,” she sobbed, her words a mess. “I didn’t know how to—”

“How to what, Natalie? How to tell me our son is dead?” His voice cracked, filled with anger and sadness. “Do you even understand how that feels? To hear it like that?”

Source: Midjourney

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I couldn’t… I didn’t want to do this over the phone.”

He tried to keep his voice calm. “Then when were you going to tell me?”

“I’m sorry,” she said again, as if that would make things better.

“Sorry’s not enough, Natalie. Not this time.” He bit his lip, fighting back a scream. “Why didn’t anyone else call me?”

Source: Midjourney

Even if she was too grief-stricken to think straight, why didn’t her parents call him? Even Mike, her new husband, could have reached out. As much as he hated Mike for being in Oliver’s life, he should’ve called.

The next day, while he was packing, the phone rang. He glanced at the screen—Mike. His jaw tightened as he answered.

Source: Midjourney

“Mike,” Greg said, zipping his suitcase. “I’m on my way. I’ll be there tonight.”

“Wait, Greg,” Mike’s voice was soft, almost hesitant. There was something strange in how he spoke, making Greg stop mid-step.

“What is it?” he asked, preparing for the worst.

Source: Midjourney

There was a pause, and then Mike spoke, shaking Greg to his core.

“Natalie… she’s lost her mind, man. She made all of this up. Oliver’s alive.”

Greg’s heart raced. “What?” he whispered, trying to understand.

“Natalie made it all up,” Mike repeated, disbelief in his voice. “Oliver’s fine. He’s with her parents right now.”

Source: Midjourney

For a moment, Greg couldn’t speak. His mind raced with emotions—anger, confusion, relief. His son was alive. He had spent the night mourning him, picturing him gone forever, and now Mike was saying it was all a lie.

“She… she lied?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

“Yes,” Mike sighed. “She’s been saying she didn’t want you in her life anymore. I didn’t think she’d go this far, but she thought if you believed Oliver was dead, you’d stay away for good.”

Greg felt a mix of emotions. How could she do this to him? To Oliver?

“Greg, I know this is a lot,” Mike continued. “But I couldn’t keep this from you. Natalie’s been unraveling for a while. I called you as soon as I found out.”

Greg didn’t respond right away. His son was alive, but Natalie, the person he trusted to co-parent with him, had lied. Not just a small lie, but something horrible that he couldn’t understand.

Without another word, he finished packing and booked the next flight. He needed answers. He needed to see Oliver.

The flight felt endless. By the time he landed, his anger was almost out of control.

When he arrived at Natalie’s house, she opened the door before he could knock. Her eyes were red and tears streamed down her face.

“Greg,” she said softly, her voice shaky. She stepped aside, letting him in.

He dropped his bags in the hallway, not caring about the formalities. “How could you do that to me?” he asked, his voice low but trembling with fury.

She wiped her eyes, her lips trembling. “I—I thought you’d take Oliver from me.”

“What?” Greg blinked in shock. “Why would I do that?”

Natalie looked down, hesitating. “I’m… I’m pregnant with another child,” she admitted quietly. “I was scared. I thought if you found out, you’d take Oliver away from me.”

Greg stared at her, shocked. “That’s what you thought? That I’d just take Oliver away from you?”

She nodded, sniffling. “I panicked, Greg. I didn’t know what else to do.”

His anger flared again, hot and sharp. “So you faked our son’s death? Natalie, you buried him in my mind. Do you even realize what you’ve done to me?”

She cried softly, unable to meet his gaze.

He was shaking, barely able to contain his anger. “This isn’t about your new baby or your fears. This is about Oliver, and you almost took him away from me forever.”

Natalie began to cry, clearly shaken by what she had done.

“Greg,” he said softly, aware that Mike had entered the room.

“This changes things, but it doesn’t excuse what you did. You should’ve trusted me enough to be honest. I would never have taken Oliver away from you. He needs both of us. But I am so angry and hurt by your lie. I spent hours thinking my son was dead.”

Natalie sat and sobbed, cradling her stomach.

Then, he heard little footsteps running down the hallway.

“Daddy!” Oliver shouted and jumped into Greg’s arms.

He refused to let him go.

Greg reassured Natalie that he wasn’t there to take Oliver away. But he made it clear that if she did something like that again, he would have to take legal action.

On one hand, he understood the pain and uncertainty Natalie felt about losing her child. But it also didn’t make sense. If given the chance, he would have told her he was happy that Oliver would be a big brother.

Greg insisted that they go to counseling to work on their issues from the divorce.

Mike has been a great support for Natalie, and Greg was thankful that if anyone had to be a stepfather to Oliver, it was the man who told him the truth.

Back home, the distance between him and Oliver felt unbearable. He couldn’t let that be their reality anymore. He opened his laptop and looked for job listings. There was no question about it.

He had to be closer to his son.

And soon.

“Next time, Natalie,” he muttered to himself, “I won’t be so far away.”