This Mom’s Reaction to Breastfeeding Criticism Is Pure Gold—See What She Did!
The act of breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way for a mother to connect and bond with her baby.
Moms should never feel bad about feeding their babies whenever and wherever they are hungry. However, some people unfairly criticize them, thinking it’s wrong or inappropriate to breastfeed in public without using a cover.
In 2018, Melanie Dudley, the mother of a 3-month-old baby, was at a restaurant with her family and friends when her baby started crying for milk. Melanie, who is from Texas, began breastfeeding her child without hesitation. While most people were fine with it, one man sitting nearby seemed uncomfortable with her not being fully covered while nursing.
The man walked up to Melanie and asked her to cover herself, but she gave him a response he did not expect.
Melanie told Yahoo, “I was on vacation in Cabo San Lucas with my whole family, and a man asked me to cover up. I’m usually discreet, but we were sitting at the back of the restaurant.”
Talking to TODAY, she explained, “I did have the cover on, but it was so hot. It was about 95 degrees, and my little baby was sweating.”
She continued, “I thought, ‘You know what? I’m on vacation, and I’m taking this off.’”
At a loss for words, Melanie placed the cover over her own head, which made the entire restaurant burst into laughter.
“I just put it over my head. I don’t even know why. It wasn’t some big fight or argument. That was just my reaction. I didn’t have any words, so I thought, I’ll just cover my head instead,” she explained.
Carol Lockwood, a bystander who witnessed the situation, took a photo of Melanie and posted it online with the caption, “I’ve never met her, but I think she’s AWESOME!!! (Please share! With permission, I’ve made this post public — I’m SO over people shaming women for nursing!!!)” The photo went viral, being shared more than 225,000 times.
Many people supported Melanie and stood by her side.
We truly believe that breastfeeding is the most natural thing, and no mother should feel embarrassed for feeding her baby in public.