Why Everyone is Obsessed with This Heartwarming Prom Story

Sometimes, everyday people do amazing things that remind us of the goodness in humanity.

This heartfelt post was shared on Facebook a few years ago, and I can’t help but cry every time I see it. Why not share it with others?

This is the story of a father who remembers when a girl came to his workplace and asked about his autistic son.

Children with special needs often have the same wishes as other kids their age. For example, a typical 17-year-old might want to find a date for the school dance, and it can really hurt their self-esteem if no one agrees to go with them.

Going alone can feel like a social disaster for a teenager. While it might not seem like a big deal to adults, it can greatly affect a young person’s confidence. Children with autism may be even more sensitive and may not fully understand these feelings.

In this story, the father, Mike Larson, decided to share what happened as his son, Jon, got ready for his high school prom. He posted the whole experience on Facebook, where it has since touched many hearts.

In his post, Mike wrote, “This is my son Jon with his prom date Maddi.” He shared that Jon has autism and is a junior. Maddi, a senior, had asked if she could take Jon to prom about a month ago when she visited him at work.

“Maddi met Jon through a school club that helps kids with special needs make friends,” Mike explained. She said, “Since it’s his prom too, I think he should have the chance to go.” Mike was honored that she wanted Jon to join her.

Maddi wanted Jon to have an amazing night. She found out that his favorite color is orange, so she bought a dress in that color. She also made a reservation at a restaurant that served his favorite foods—chicken fingers, French fries, and chocolate milk—for their group.

Before asking Jon to the dance, Maddi made sure to get Mike’s approval.

Mike told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “It was a truly breathtaking experience for me.”

Mike shared that he posted the prom picture on social media for three main reasons.

First, he wanted to show support for groups that help create friendships. Second, he aimed to support special kids like his son, Jon. Lastly, he wanted to remind everyone that there are wonderful kids like Maddi who are working to make a difference at a time when we often hear about bad news.

The prom photo went viral in 2013, and Mike later shared updates about Jon and Maddi’s lives after prom. In 2019, he celebrated when the post reached 1 million shares, and people all over the world read his story. He also updated everyone about Jon’s health, saying, “Many have wondered how Jon is doing. He continues to live at home and is in good health.”

Mike mentioned that Maddi, who is now married, sometimes feels “embarrassed” by all the attention since she didn’t think it was anything special. He expressed gratitude to everyone who sent well wishes for the couple.

When Jon was diagnosed with autism more than 16 years ago, Mike thought of many possibilities, including that his son might never go to prom. But thanks to Maddi, Jon not only attended prom but also had a fantastic night!

Mike said, “It’s something I never thought would happen for our family. Not only did it happen, but it happened in such a beautiful way.” He added that seeing it continue to inspire others is more than he could have ever imagined and it will be one of their best memories.

This story gives us hope that there are still kind and caring people in the world. If you liked this story, please follow the father’s advice and share it with your friends and family.

The young girl is really kind and thoughtful for asking Jon’s parents first. I hope they took lots of pictures together to remember that special day!