Women Reveal the Dark Truth About Marriage—And It’s Heartbreaking!

Women Admit Marriage Was Not What They Expected—And It’s Surprising

For some people, especially those afraid of commitment, the thought of marriage can be overwhelming. When a relationship becomes serious, they worry that getting married will change everything.

Some feel trapped, like marriage takes away their freedom. This feeling can be even worse when there’s a legal commitment involved.

But for others, marriage is easy. It brings financial stability, a shared home, and long-term security through mutual goals.

Since everyone’s experience is different, I spoke to six women who said marriage was NOT what they expected. Here’s what they had to say:

1. We fight more.
“I thought marriage would be like dating, just with a wedding ring. But it’s not. We fight so much more. A lot of the arguments are over silly things, but they feel deeper because we know we’re stuck together. Most of our fights are about money. We share accounts, so my husband always asks why I spend money on things just for me. It’s so frustrating.”
— Carrie L., 29

2. We share too much.
“I’ve been married for three years, and I never realized how much sharing was involved. I feel like I don’t have my own space anymore. Every decision I make has to involve my husband. We share bills, food, and even our small apartment. When we were dating, it was easier to have personal time.”
— Brielle P., 31

3. I miss ‘girl time.
“My husband and I have a rule—no matter how busy we are, we eat dinner and watch TV together every night after work. On weekends, we can do our own thing. This rule started after we got married, but now I feel like I lost time with my friends. Watching ‘The Bachelor’ or Bravo shows with my husband isn’t the same. I miss having casual girl time, and I never thought marriage would be this strict. Dating was way more relaxed.”
— Lisa C., 27

4. I hate compromise.
“I thought marriage would be easy and nothing would really change. But now I realize how much of it is about compromise—and I hate that. We didn’t live together before marriage, and now I see how different our tastes are in food and activities. Since we do most things together, we’re always trying to meet in the middle. I used to roll my eyes when people said marriage was about compromise, but they were right.”
— Rochelle S., 31

5. It’s shockingly easy.
“I thought marriage would be hard. I expected fights, less romance, and even the possibility of divorce. But I was surprised to find it’s actually really easy. It feels just like dating, but with less drama. We don’t waste time arguing about dumb things because we know we’re in this for the long haul.”
— Claire F., 29

6. It’s ugly.
“Marriage sucks. It really does. On our wedding day, people were already asking when we’d have kids. We didn’t even get to enjoy being newlyweds because we were too busy buying a house and making money. The pressure to have a ‘perfect’ marriage made us a terrible couple. We fought a lot. I even moved out for a month. We’ve been in couples therapy ever since. We love each other, but love isn’t always enough. We’re learning that our marriage doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s, but right now, it feels like a nightmare.”
— Olivia S., 30