Teen Idol Turned Dad: Bobby Sherman Leaves Hollywood to Deliver Five Children in a Field

Bobby Sherman was a big music star in the 1960s and 1970s. Almost everyone I know had a crush on him at some point.

He did great in acting, recorded many albums, had lots of fans at his shows, and sold millions of CDs. But, when he was really famous, he chose to leave the entertainment world for good.

It’s not that the 79-year-old thought he wasn’t good at what he does anymore. No, he was doing something even more important: trying to save lives.


Learn all about the famous artist Bobby Sherman right here!

Bobby Sherman was born on July 22, 1943, in Santa Monica, California, and grew up in Van Nuys, a nearby town.

When he was just 11 years old, he was already good at playing the trumpet, piano, trombone, keyboard, and, of course, the guitar. Sherman went to Birmingham High School, where he joined a band and found out he really enjoyed singing. It’s said that he learned to play a whopping 16 instruments throughout his life.




After finishing high school in 1961, Sherman went to Pierce College in Woodland Hills, California. It was there that he formed a connection that would have a big impact on his life.

While studying child psychology at Pierce College, Sherman met his girlfriend. One night, she joined him at a party for the cast of “The Greatest Story Ever Told.”

By then, Sherman had already started playing music. He was part of several bands in the San Fernando Valley, and many people knew about his talent. So, when he got to the party, he didn’t miss the chance to show off his musical skills.



“I was always the guy who dared to stand up and sing in front of everyone,” he later said.

Bobby knew some friends in the band playing at the party, so that might have made it easier. Anyway, he went in front of everyone and sang Ray Charles’ “What I’d Say” to them.

It happened at a Hollywood party, and there were many famous people from the entertainment world there. Some of them included Sal Mineo, Natalie Wood, and Jane Fonda.



After Bobby’s performance, they saw how good he was, so Mineo decided to teach him.

“People were asking, ‘Who’s handling you?'” Bobby said. “I had no idea what it meant. I was a Van Nuys kid, you know, and I was like, ‘What do they mean, handling me?’ Then I realized they were talking about someone representing me.”





He quickly got to know Hollywood. Someone at the party suggested Bobby Sherman to an agency, and just three days later, he went to an audition. Bobby landed a leading role in the upcoming TV show called Shindig.

This role was important for Bobby. It lasted two years and helped him make a name for himself. By then, people all over the country loved him, and job opportunities started popping up everywhere.

After Shindig ended in 1966, Sherman appeared as a guest on other shows like The Monkees, Honey West, and The FBI. Even though he was already known in Hollywood, his big breakthrough came in 1968.



In the show “Here Come The Bridges,” Sherman played a character named Jason Bolt who had a stammer. He stayed on the show for the entire two years. But after his time on the show, his character stopped stammering, and the program got canceled.

When Sherman went to a telethon in Buffalo, he realized that people really liked the character of Jason Bolt. It made him more than just a rising star; he became a big star.

“The show had just started airing, and we didn’t even have any records out yet,” Sherman said.



Bobby managed to become a successful singer even though people didn’t praise his singing skills much.

From 1969 to 1971, lots of young people bought millions of Bobby Sherman’s records. During this time, he recorded hits like “Julie,” “Do Ya Love Me,” “Easy Come, Easy Go,” and “Little Woman.”

He sold a million copies of four different albums and six single recordings.

“A song starts with an idea – just one line,” he explained in 1971. “I turn that into a complete set of lyrics. After that, I fit the music around it.”

In 1970 and 1971, Sherman starred in a TV show called “Getting Together,” a spinoff of “The Partridge Family” about two songwriters. After that, he made guest appearances on other shows.

While becoming a star, Bobby got married to his first wife, Patti Carnel, in 1971. They had two boys, Tyler and Christopher.



Bobby Sherman built a small model of Disneyland’s Main Street in his backyard because he wanted his kids to have a fantastic place to grow up. It cost him about $15,000 and took around two and a half years to complete.

However, not everyone liked the idea. His wife got annoyed by the constant noise of hammers. “I didn’t know what home was,” Bobby said.

“At one point, she said, ‘If you don’t finish it, I’ll kill you,'” Bobby joked in an interview.

Creating his own Disneyland and working on this project was inspired by Bobby’s kids.

Before Shaun Cassidy or even David Cassidy, Bobby was a real heartthrob on TV. Later on, performers like Donny Osmond kind of took his place.




Bobby Sherman was loved by millions when he was really famous. He was in popular TV shows and made hit records. Two of his most loved albums were called “Sixteen” and “Tiger Beat.”

Even though he was living his dream, filming and performing took up a lot of his time. For three years, he was so busy that he felt disoriented and didn’t feel like he had a real home.

But then, in the middle of his huge fame, Bobby made a surprising decision. He decided to give up his music and TV career to save lives.

Raising his kids was very important to Bobby. His wife, Patti, was scared of blood, and accidents happen with kids. So, Bobby took classes to learn how to handle injuries. He even became a volunteer EMT (emergency medical technician) and later worked for the Los Angeles Police Department as a first aid instructor.

In 1992, Bobby became a police officer with the LAPD and was the chief medical training officer. In 1994, during an earthquake, he showed incredible bravery by helping people while his own house was shaking.

Even though Bobby changed careers, he kept his entertaining side. He told a funny story about how people recognized him while he was on rescue calls.

After some years, Bobby decided to leave the entertainment industry officially. He thanked his fans for everything and said he wouldn’t change a thing.

Bobby got married again in 2011 to Brigette, and they are still married. They started a foundation in Ghana called The Brigitte and Bobby Sherman Children’s Foundation, which focuses on music and education for young people.

Now, Bobby is 79 years old, and he still looks like himself. Bobby Sherman was a fantastic actor and entertainer, and we’ll always remember those great years!

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