Schwarzenegger Family Drama Unveiled: Siblings Point Fingers at Lovechild for Family Strife”

Even though Joseph Baena is blamed by his step-siblings for causing issues in their family, he is happy to have Arnold Schwarzenegger as his dad. He still has a strong bond with his father and supports him.

His half-siblings from Arnold’s marriage with Maria Shriver don’t treat him well, but Joseph, who is 26, doesn’t let that bother him. He stands by his father, who openly welcomes him into the world.

Joseph’s early years were kept secret, and he didn’t know that Arnold was his dad until he was 13. Despite the challenges, he values his relationship with Arnold and continues to be supportive.

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Joseph Baena shared his experience of finding out that Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is 76 years old, is his dad. He vividly remembers the day in eighth grade when his mom told him that everyone was finding out about their family. The media made a big deal about it, and it was a challenging time for him at just 13 years old.

While all this was happening, Arnold was quietly supporting Joseph and his mom, Patty. At the same time, Maria Shriver, Arnold’s wife, didn’t know that Joseph, who sometimes played with her children, was actually her husband’s son.

As Joseph grew older, he started to resemble his father more, and it became impossible to keep the family secret.

Credit: Shutterstock

In his book “Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story,” Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about lying to his wife of 25 years, Maria Shriver. He also shares how his children reacted when he told them about the affair. He asked for their forgiveness, and it was really emotional—they cried a lot, which was heartbreaking for him. Schwarzenegger and Shriver got divorced in 2021.

Now, Joseph, their son, is 26 years old and is following in his father’s footsteps as an actor and bodybuilder. They share a strong bond over fitness, and Arnold gave Joseph a book called “The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding.” Joseph, who was even on the cover of Men’s Health in 2022, explains that he was too proud to ask his dad for help directly. Instead, he went to the book to figure things out on his own. When he was around 18, he started training with his dad, but he was nervous and mainly observed to learn from him.

“My dad is old-school; he doesn’t believe in handouts. He believes hard work pays off, and so do I,” says Baena. “I love the word honor, and I’m very prideful in the sense that if I use my dad’s contacts or ask him for favors, I wonder what honor is that gonna bring me?”

Joseph applies the same philosophy for his acting career and has kept his real identity quiet.

“When I go to auditions, they don’t know who I am, because we don’t have the same last name. I know it’s all me.”

The young action star has appeared in a few films with many more in production, and he also flaunted his moves in Dancing with the Stars in 2022, where he survived six episodes.

Honoring his dad, Joseph recreated the iconic “Bad to the Bone” scene from Terminator 2: Judgement Day where he plays the menacing cyborg.

Even though Joseph Baena has a strong bond with his dad Arnold Schwarzenegger, there’s some tension with his step-siblings. A source says that they don’t love Joseph and blame him for the affair between Arnold and Joseph’s mom.

The insider has seen situations where Arnold brings Joseph to events, but the step-siblings don’t seem to like it. It might not be fair, but the insider thinks it’s understandable because Joseph is a reminder of something that caused problems in the family.

At the premiere of the Netflix TV series, FUBAR, Arnold walked the red carpet with his four kids from his marriage with Maria Shriver. However, Joseph walked alone and was left out of the family photo taken at the event. Joseph posted a picture of himself on Instagram, giving FUBAR a thumbs up and sharing his thoughts about the show.

Fans immediately commented on his solo entrance. “Just started following to give you the type of support your snobby siblings choose not to.” Another shares, “Your half siblings have a lot of growing up to do! They envy you because you look exactly like your dad and they blame you for your dads infidelity.”

A third shares, “It’s disgusting how you are treated, man, by your own blood. Completely ignored due to something out of your control. Is it racial hostility? Who knows. At the end of the day, use this bulls*** to fuel you.”

Another netizen writes, “That’s a shame. Arnie seems [sic] to love them equally [though], if not Joe a little more because he’s walking in his footsteps.”

Though the former governor’s doppelganger and son was kept a secret for the first 14 years of his life, he admits what he did was wrong and says that Beana, now 26, “has turned out to be an extraordinary young man.”

Speaking of Joseph, the former governor says his doppelganger son is a “fantastic man” who “makes me proud.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted that what he did was wrong, referring to the affair that happened. However, he wants his son Joseph to feel loved and accepted in the world because he is very much welcomed. Arnold expressed his love for Joseph and mentioned that he has grown into an extraordinary young man.

What do you think about what happened between Schwarzenegger and Shriver? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!