The little brother asked his sister with Down Syndrome to be the special person in charge of things at his wedding, called the Maid of Honor.

The love between siblings is amazing because it doesn’t depend on anything – it’s always there no matter what.

Even if brothers and sisters fight, say mean things, or make each other mad, they’re the ones who will stick by you. I’m lucky to have both sisters and brothers, and each one of them means a lot to me. We have a really special connection.



In simple words, no matter how I feel or if we’re getting along or not, I’d do anything to help my siblings if they needed me.

This story is about Chris Garafola from Vermont and Brittany, his older sister who has Down syndrome. As they grew up, their friendship became even stronger. When Chris met Tatiana, the person he wanted to spend his life with, he knew Brittany had to be a big part of their wedding.

Tatiana and Chris decided to wait to get married until Brittany could be there. Brittany’s immune system was weak due to her illness, so she had to get the COVID-19 shot before being around other people at events, including the wedding.

In February 2021, Brittany got vaccinated, which meant Chris and Tatiana could start planning their wedding.

Chris, who is a model, posted a video on his YouTube channel in late March of that year. In the video, Tatiana spoke with Brittany on FaceTime. Brittany was already surprised to hear about her younger brother getting married, but Tatiana had an even more amazing question.

“I wanted to ask you something. Can you be my maid of honor?” Tatiana asked in the video. Brittany was so happy that she cried tears of joy and said, “Yes, I can.”

So, in April 2021, Chris and Tatiana got married, and Brittany was right there by their side as the maid of honor.

The newlyweds then revealed that they had surprised Brittany with a unique ring to mark the special day.

“She’s been my best friend since day one and even once I’m married, it won’t change,” Chris said.

Needless to say, the photos of Chris, Tatiana, and Brittany went viral online. The sheer amount of love encapsulated in the pictures is enough to melt even the hardest of hearts.

Watch the moment Chris and Tatiana broke the news to Brittany in the video below:

We can’t get enough of the sibling love between Chris and Brittany. Simply adorable!

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