As of Tuesday, reports indicate that Hurricane Helene has claimed the lives of at least 135 individuals.
While search and rescue teams continue their efforts to locate around 600 people still missing, we are beginning to hear both the harrowing tales of survival and the tragic accounts of loss.
Jessica Drye Turner, a Texas resident, shared her family’s devastating experience on Facebook.
Turner initially reached out to her friends and family for prayers for her sister, nephew, and parents, who were stranded on the roof of their house in Asheville, North Carolina. She described how her family sat trapped with only their clothes and a single functioning phone as they awaited rescue.

In a heartbreaking update, which she later relayed through a third party, Turner revealed that her parents and nephew had drowned, while her sister, Megan, ended up wedged between some debris before being rescued.
After processing the initial shock, Turner posted another update on Facebook, providing more clarity on the situation.
“I need to clarify some details about what occurred,” she wrote. “My earlier updates were based on information I received from third parties until I could speak directly with my sister. The reality of what happened is even worse, and I feel it’s important to share this with all of you.”
Turner initially stated that the roof they were on had collapsed, but that was not the case. Instead, the house itself gave way, sending her sister, seven-year-old nephew, and their parents in their 70s into the floodwaters.
“Mama was holding onto Micah while Daddy was struggling to keep hold of Megan. He was panicking and pushing her under,” Turner explained.
Megan attempted to cling to a tree and her father, but the current was too powerful and swept Michael Drye away. Moments later, Megan saw her mother, Nora, floating past her.

“Where’s Micah?” she cried out.
Jessica shared that at that moment, her sister believes their mother “gave up” because she lost Micah to the flood.
“The look on my mother’s face was one of utter horror and defeat.”
Megan managed to look up just in time to see the floodwaters carry her son away.
“He was terrified, and she heard him scream, ‘Jesus!!!!! Please help me!!!’ We believe that’s when he was taken.”
After witnessing her family being swept away, Megan released her grip on the tree. The current quickly swept her between two trailers, where she remained for three hours before rescuers found her.
Micah’s body was discovered “a quarter of a mile downstream from where they found Megan.”
My thoughts and prayers are with all those impacted by Hurricane Helene. The devastation caused by this storm should serve as a crucial reminder for us all. If we don’t take action to combat climate change, storms will only worsen in the future.