Man Makes Fun of Wife for Postpartum Weight Gain—Her Diary Reveals the Dark Reality He Ignored
|Lisa Thompson had always been good at balancing her job and housework. She worked as an accountant in Santa Clara, California, and even though she had a busy schedule, she still managed to keep her house in order. She would wake up at 5 a.m. every day, make breakfast for her and her husband, Chad, go to work, and still come home in time to prepare dinner.
Chad used to help with housework too, and they were a happy couple. After three years of trying, Lisa finally got pregnant, and they were thrilled when they found out they were expecting twins.
After giving birth, Lisa decided to take a break from work to focus on raising their babies. She loved spending time with them, but Chad didn’t see it that way. He started calling her “lazy” because she wasn’t working outside the home.
“All you do is sit around. Why don’t you start working out? You’ve gained so much weight since the pregnancy,” Chad would say, often mocking her about her weight.
Lisa felt hurt by his words, but she tried to brush it off, thinking Chad was just stressed from work. However, over time, she felt like he was losing interest in her and their marriage. He no longer helped around the house, and when she suggested spending time together, he would avoid the conversation and go to bed.
Lisa realized something was wrong and knew she had to talk to him before things got worse.

“Honey, I know work has been keeping you busy, but we promised to always be open with each other,” Lisa said softly. “I’ve noticed something’s been bothering you.”
Chad barely looked up from his laptop. “There’s nothing going on, Lisa. Everything’s fine.”
“Are you sure? Because I’ve noticed—”
“Noticed what, Lisa?” Chad suddenly shouted. “Can’t you just let me work in peace? Why do you always have to meddle? If you have so much energy, why not use it to take care of yourself? When was the last time you even looked in the mirror?”
Lisa’s eyes filled with tears. “Chad…”
“Oh, here we go. Are you going to cry now and make me the bad guy? Fine, cry all you want! But let me tell you something—this can’t keep going like this. Look at your friends and then look at yourself. Why can’t you lose some weight? Tell me, are you doing this on purpose? Do you want me to leave? Or is there someone else?”
Lisa was shocked. “Are you serious, Chad? You think I’m cheating on you?”

“How would I know, Lisa? Maybe you’ve realized we’re not going to make it. You don’t work anymore, you just sit around. You say it’s to take care of the kids, but I think it’s just an excuse to stay home and do nothing. We can afford a babysitter, but no! You just want to stay at home and eat all day so you can gain more weight! Fine, do that!” Chad shouted as he stormed off.
Lisa couldn’t say a word. She broke down in tears as Chad walked away without listening to her. It wasn’t until later that night when Chad was working on his laptop that he heard a loud noise.
He rushed out, thinking it came from the twins’ room, but instead, he found Lisa unconscious on the floor. “Lisa! What happened?” he cried, trying to wake her up. When she didn’t respond, he quickly called 911 and rushed her to the hospital.
Before leaving, Chad asked their neighbor, Mrs. Clemments, to watch the twins. He came home late after admitting Lisa to the hospital. The doctors told him Lisa had collapsed due to stress and weakness.
Chad sank onto the bed, his face in his hands, thinking about how he had treated Lisa. *Maybe I was too harsh this time…* he thought. *But how could she be weak? Hasn’t she been resting at home all this time?* He sighed, still trying to understand, as he started tidying up the bed.

As Chad was cleaning the bed, he pulled off the blanket, and a diary fell onto the floor, opening up. A few lines caught his eye. He picked it up and realized it was Lisa’s personal diary. *Reading someone else’s diary isn’t right, Chad,* he thought, but his curiosity took over. He opened to the first page, which was all about the birth of their twins, Lucas and Charlie.
“Hiii there, PD!
It’s your one and only owner! What better day to start writing than today? I’m so happy right now! I AM FINALLY A MOM! THANK YOU, GOD! I can’t describe how amazing it felt to hold my babies. I just hope I become a good mom. Oh, and I saw how emotional Chad was when he saw the babies. I know he’ll be a great dad, but I’ll love my kids so much that they’ll always take their mumma’s side, haha!!!”
As Chad continued reading, he forgot about everything that had been bothering him. Page after page, Lisa had written down all the little moments with their twins and how happy she was. But then one page made him stop, and the smile on his face disappeared.

*Hi PD,*
I’m really sad today. I don’t know if I did something wrong, but Chad seems distant lately. He still plays with the babies, but I feel like we’re drifting apart. Should I talk to him? Maybe it’s just his work. He works so hard for us, and maybe it’s just stress. I hope things get better soon.
Chad turned the page, and guilt started to creep in.
*Hi PD…*
I… I don’t know what to do! Does Chad want to leave me? He said something I never thought I’d hear. He mocked me, saying I look fat, and he didn’t even let me explain. I feel so self-conscious. Is Chad falling out of love with me? I need to talk to him, but I’m scared. Would that even help?
Chad kept flipping through the pages, and with each entry, the regret grew heavier. He realized how badly he had treated Lisa, and he felt ashamed for not recognizing her pain sooner.

*Hi PD!*
I’ve got an amazing idea to lose weight! I’ve been trying yoga and meditation, but Chad thinks I’m not even trying. He’s just too busy to notice! But just wait and see—I’m going to lose weight and surprise him on our wedding anniversary. My friend Tina told me about a gym that helps you lose weight in just a week! I’m so excited!
Chad wiped away his tears as he turned to the next page.
*Hi there, PD!*
Sorry I haven’t written in a while. I’m so exhausted! That gym makes me wake up super early, and the diet they gave me is crazy! I feel sick after eating the raw stuff they suggested, and Chad… he still won’t stop mocking me. I’m seriously tired of this. I don’t know how much more I can handle…
Chad felt a deep wave of guilt wash over him. *How did I not notice she was trying so hard? And why did I keep mocking her?* He realized how blind he had been. *She’s my wife, the woman I loved with all my heart. I need to make this right.*
Determined to make it up to her, Chad went to the hospital the next day. He brought Lisa a bouquet of her favorite flowers and a card that said, “Get well soon, honey! The kids and I miss you so much. Home doesn’t feel like home without you.”

After receiving the flowers and card, Lisa felt emotional. Chad hadn’t done anything special for her in a long time. “Thank you, Chad,” she whispered, her eyes filling with tears. “I—I…”
“You don’t need to say anything, Lisa. I was awful to you, and I said things I never should have. I’m sorry. You’re beautiful just the way you are, and everything I said about your looks was nonsense. I’m a jerk for saying those things!” Chad said, hugging her tightly.
“Oh, Chad… It’s—It’s okay,” Lisa muttered, hugging him back.
“I’m going to be a better person, Lisa. I promise,” Chad told her.
When Lisa was discharged from the hospital and came home, Chad surprised her with a candlelight dinner. The room was beautifully decorated, and a soft romantic song played in the background. He pulled out a chair for her and poured her some wine.
Later, Chad got down on one knee and asked, “Mrs. Lisa Thompson, would you like to dance with me?” Lisa smiled and nodded, and they shared a passionate kiss as they held each other close.
From that day on, Chad became a new man. Lisa couldn’t believe how much things had changed. He helped her with everything, took her out to movies on the weekends, and, most importantly, always told her, “I love you for who you are, honey.”
Lisa still goes to the gym, but now she focuses on being healthy rather than trying to lose weight quickly with fad diets.