Man’s Head Lice Horror Goes Viral – You Won’t Believe How Bad It Is

A shocking video of a tricycle driver with a severe head lice infestation has gone viral on social media, worrying many Filipino netizens.

The video, originally posted by Facebook user Primo Onipa, aimed to raise awareness about the dangers of not treating lice infestations.

Onipa also urged other drivers to practice good hygiene, especially since they come into contact with many commuters every day.

In the footage, lice are clearly visible crawling on the back of the driver’s neck and onto his shirt, showing just how serious the infestation was.


Dr. Jay Recasata from Faces and Curves explained that extreme head lice infestations can cause serious discomfort. He mentioned that head lice are contagious, thrive in the roots of hair, and feed on blood from the scalp. If left untreated, this can cause wounds and lead to bacterial infections.

Dr. Recasata emphasized that treatment is simple and involves using a special shampoo, which costs around P500 per bottle. However, if left untreated, lice infestations can become severe. Dr. Enrique Collantes from Derma Clinic added that extreme cases can even lead to anemia and malnutrition due to the lice feeding on the host’s blood.

The National Health Service warns that lice spread through direct contact or by sharing items like combs, brushes, and hats. Lice can also temporarily live on furniture, bedding, and towels, spreading the infestation further.


To prevent lice infestations, it’s advised to wash clothes and bedding in hot water, vacuum floors, and soak hair brushes in hot water for five to ten minutes. These steps can help keep your environment lice-free.

Maintaining proper hygiene is especially important for people who have regular contact with others, like drivers and commuters, to reduce the risk of spreading lice.