Put a roll of paper towel in your fridge: electricity bill is halved and your family will get these amazing benefits

I’m certain that most of us keep a few rolls of paper towels in the kitchen at all times. While these household staples are excellent for cleaning and wiping up spills, they can also perform wonders in the refrigerator. Yes – in the fridge! It might sound unusual, but paper towels are a hidden gem when it comes to preserving produce freshness for an extended period.

According to Reader’s Digest, placing paper towels in the fridge is an effective method to prolong the freshness of your vegetables even further. This solution is ideal for those who want to savor their vegetables without constantly seeing them deteriorate inside the fridge.

The process begins by lining your produce drawer with paper towels every time you bring home fresh produce.

This trick works best when you replace the paper towels each time. If you bring home produce in a single bag, toss in a paper towel along with them.

Another advantage is that it helps keep the produce drawer cleaner for longer, reducing the need for frequent fridge cleaning.

Few things frustrate me more than food waste, especially considering the cost of fresh produce these days. It pains me to see fruits and veggies spoil before we can consume them. This is where paper towels come in handy. Before placing your produce in the crisper drawers, line them with paper towels. If you have bags of spinach or lettuce, insert a sheet or two of paper towel into these bags as well.

Over time, fruits and vegetables release the water they’ve been holding, leading to sogginess and wilting. The paper towel absorbs this excess moisture, keeping your produce fresher for longer.

You may already be familiar with this trick, but if not, now is the time to give it a try! Something as simple as a few sheets of paper towel can make a significant difference in preserving your produce, reducing food waste, and saving you money in the long term.