Heartwarming Rescue: Brave Pup Overcomes Tough Start with a Guardian Angel’s Love!

Lucky didn’t have a happy life. The people who were supposed to take care of him didn’t show him the love he needed. He was born in a place where they make lots of puppies, but nobody wanted to adopt him because his face looked different from other dogs.

Because of that, Lucky was given away for free. He never got to stay in one home for long; people kept passing him to someone else. No one wanted to keep him because of how he looked.

Lucky had many owners over the years, but none of them took good care of him. Recently, he lived with a family in Austin, Texas, but they didn’t give him the attention he deserved. He was often left alone and had to take care of himself.

Because the family’s cats didn’t like Lucky, he had to stay outside all the time. They tied him to a tree in the yard and didn’t give him enough food or a nice place to sleep. He didn’t get the attention, care, or love that a dog usually gets in a home.

When the family decided to move, they didn’t think twice about getting rid of Lucky.

The family called a dog shelter for help. People from the shelter started searching for a new home for Lucky. While they were looking, Lucky stayed with his current family until they moved.

The shelter eventually found a new family who agreed to take care of Lucky temporarily. Sadly, they changed their minds quickly because of how Lucky looked.

Luckily, everything turned around when someone posted about Lucky on social media.


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One of the shelter’s helpers took Lucky to get cleaned up and shared some pictures of him on social media.

Jamie Hult saw the post and wanted to meet Lucky right away. Jamie said, “I want that dog. I don’t even want to foster it, I wanna take that dog.”

But, Lucky wasn’t doing well. He had been mistreated and ignored for a long time, so he was very thin and had problems like fleas and worms. Plus, he didn’t have a microchip.


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Jamie decided to bring Lucky home, no matter how tough it would be. Because of Jamie, Lucky finally found a permanent and loving home. Even though it was a difficult journey, Lucky is now healthy and enjoying his life as a happy dog.

Lucky was really sick and almost didn’t make it. He had to be in an oxygen tank for a week, and Jamie spent a lot of money, around $8000, on treatments and an MRI to figure out what was wrong. Lucky was so sick that he was almost skin and bones.

Jamie was determined to help Lucky, and she told the vet, “I don’t care, just do whatever you need to do, and I will pay whatever it is.” Lucky made it through, and now he’s healthy and doing great, thanks to the care of the veterinarians and Jamie’s big heart.



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Since Jamie adopted Lucky, some people have made unkind comments about his appearance. But Jamie doesn’t mind at all; she loves Lucky just the way he is.

Jamie shares, “When I first got him, people would ask about his face and laugh. I told them, ‘Go ahead and laugh.’ To make him look cuter and less scary, I started making ties for him. I hoped the ties would draw attention away from his face.”

Jamie even changed Lucky’s name to Beaux Tox for two reasons. She explains, “I named him Beaux Tox because he looks like he needs Botox, and that’s okay. We appreciate beauty in all forms. Plus, taking care of him costs a lot, so I don’t have money left for Botox!”


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Lucky is a happy and loving dog. He looks after his younger sister and has even helped take care of the kittens that Jamie adopted.

Jamie is thankful for having Lucky, and they continue to rescue and take care of animals. Lucky has been like a foster parent to kittens, and he’s friendly with all sorts of creatures, like baby skunks, cats, and even a tarantula. Everything seems exciting and interesting to him.


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What a heartwarming adoption story, and a classic example of why a book should never be judged by its cover. Just because an animal looks different from the rest, doesn’t mean it’s any less deserving of a chance in life.


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