Why King Charles Refused Prince William’s Big Moment
|King Charles’ long journey to becoming monarch ended in 2022 after the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. However, his first year as king didn’t go as planned. In February 2023, Charles was diagnosed with can:cer, and he is still receiving tre:atment for it today.
This has led Prince William to take on more royal duties recently, giving him a glimpse of what it will be like when he eventually becomes king.
Sadly, this situation seems to have slightly changed the relationship between Charles and William. It now seems Charles may have had a plan for William all along—there’s one thing he wants to avoid repeating.

While undergoing can:cer tre:atment, Charles naturally reduced his royal responsibilities. Buckingham Palace hasn’t revealed what type of can:cer he has or shared many details about his condition.
Over the last year, there have been worries about Charles’ ability to continue as king, especially as he grows older. Still, Charles has kept up many of his duties. In October, he and Queen Camilla visited Australia and Samoa, a trip that tested Charles’ health due to the long travel distance.

The fact that Charles was able to temporarily pause his can:cer therapy was a good sign for his health. Royal expert Jennie Bond said the king was preparing himself for challenges.
Doctors accompanied Charles on the trip but weren’t only there to help with his can:cer tre:atment.
Charles is expected to continue his can:cer tre:atment in 2025. He has managed many royal duties in the meantime, though there hasn’t been an update on his condition for some time.
In his Christmas speech, Charles mentioned the situation, saying, “I am deeply grateful, too, to all those who have offered us their own kind words of sympathy and encouragement.”

Some believe Charles should step down and let Prince William take the throne. Unfortunately, this topic has reached the royal family and caused tension between Charles and his eldest son. Palace sources said their relationship has become strained.
Prince William, like Charles, has been preparing for his future role as king.
After King Charles’ coronation, royal staff started making plans for William’s reign. But following Charles’ can:cer diagnosis, those plans were sped up.

“He’s a lot weaker and tires easily.”
Charles has waited his entire life to become king, so it’s understandable he doesn’t want to abdicate. A royal insider said Charles had accepted years ago his time on the throne might be short.
The insider also said Charles is reluctant to give William too much power just yet but has met with him privately to discuss the future.
Meanwhile, William and Kate Middleton have been preparing for their roles sooner than expected.

It’s unlikely Charles will abdicate, and who could blame him? While he trusts William to be a great king, Charles probably won’t step down during his lifetime.
When Charles became Prince of Wales, he had a formal ceremony, similar to a coronation but smaller. However, it was controversial at the time. Welsh author Huw Thomas, who wrote Charles: the King and Wales, explained that Charles’ difficult experience during that ceremony made him decide William wouldn’t go through the same process.
“The monarchy is built on tradition.”
Even though William hasn’t had an official ceremony to mark his role as Prince of Wales, this doesn’t mean the title will vanish. When William becomes king, his son, Prince George, is expected to take on the title.
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