A little girl in a family is very sick and may not survive. But then, the person who takes care of her, like a special babysitter, makes a choice that brings tears to my eyes.

If you’ve ever taken care of kids as a babysitter or nanny, you know it’s a big responsibility. Most babysitters do their job well, but some do even more than what parents expect.

A 22-year-old named Kiersten Miles had been watching over three children for only a short time. However, when one of the kids was in serious danger, Kiersten made a choice that would change their lives forever. The Rosko family, whose children she was taking care of, will always be thankful for the decision she made.

Kiersten Miles is a 22-year-old student from New Jersey who was looking for a job to help with her studies. She got in touch with the Rosko family through a friend and quickly began working for them. In a short while, Kiersten built a close connection with the couple’s three kids, especially their youngest daughter, Talia.

But it soon turned out that the nine-month-old girl had a rare, life-threatening liver disease.

When doctors announced that Talia needed a new liver, Kiersten didn’t hesitate for a second to offer her part of hers.

George and Farra and Rosko weren’t sure about the idea at first. They explained to Kiersten how big of a deal it was.

Giving a part of your liver is not the same as giving blood. It involves a surgery that can be invasive, and there are risks.

However, Kiersten stuck to her decision and applied to donate a part of her liver to Talia. When she got her test results, they showed that Kiersten was a perfect match!

George and Farra Rosko were really thankful to Kiersten for her unselfish choice. But they were careful not to pressure Kiersten into making a decision she might regret later.

Kiersten had no regrets, and on January 11, 2017, she and Talia went to the hospital for the 14-hour surgery.

First, the doctors gave Kiersten anesthesia and removed part of her liver, and then they immediately performed a transplant on little Talia.

Thank goodness, the transplant was successful!

Kiersten stayed at the hospital for five days and Talia stayed for nine.

Luckily, both Kiersten and Talia got better fast, and now, Talia is like a new little kid.

It’s hard to believe she had a liver transplant recently. Now, she’s just like any other little girl — she runs, plays, and eats a lot!

Kiersten definitely deserves a big “thank you” for her incredible kindness. What a person with a heart of gold!

In a world where humanity sometimes seem cold and selfish, people like Kiersten really give us hope and inspiration!

She could have just kept living her life focusing on herself, but instead, she chose to go through a long process that exposed hers to risk — all so a little girl would have the chance to live.

If Kiersten isn’t a superhero, then we don’t know who is!

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